CasparGov is the market-leading solution for local authority deputyship and appointeeship teams, providing a trusted service to efficiently manage large numbers of cases. CasparGov serves as an additional resource to local authorities, helping to tackle growing waiting lists whilst delivering an appropriate service to those individuals requiring support to manage their financial affairs.
With a wealth of experience in the sector, CasparGov is strategically designed in close partnership with our users to meet the requirements of teams operating in challenging financial circumstances. We deliver a programme of continuous improvement to optimise our well-established platform, developing features which have been prioritised in collaboration with the market.

In a landscape of tightening budgets and escalating demands, CasparGov is a flexible solution which has been designed over two-decades in partnership with the market to meet the specific needs of local authority teams.
The system is customisable, reliable and scalable, handling significant and growing caseloads with ease.

Centralised, easy access to client data
With CasparGov, the client data you need to manage a large caseload is centralised in a user-friendly interface. With client information readily available, case management is efficient and accurate.
For teams working remotely and across multiple locations, our cloud-based platform enables successful collaborative working.

Comprehensive financial records providing a full picture for decision making
With the ability to record and easily view account details and balances for all managed client accounts, accurate information of your client’s financial position is available as required without the need for time-consuming data entry.
Automated financial plans and budgeting create regular income and expenditure, which alongside one-off items on a centralised ledger, means that the monitoring of clients’ transactions is no longer a manual overhead.
For financial assets, detailed information including valuation history and linked documents is available to your team and can be easily provided to third parties as required.

Compliance is guaranteed, reporting is simple
The powerful automatic reconciliation functionality in CasparGov is a game-changer for you and your team. The ability to automatically reconcile thousands of transactions, with matching criteria and tolerances controlled by you, gives both peace of mind and releases time to handle the affairs of more clients.
All transactions are automatically assigned to the OPG report heading of your choice and OPG reports can be easily generated, making annual reports efficient and accurate.
CasparGov includes a library of standard financial and client reports, and a fully-customisable report generator allowing the extraction of all data held in the system to meet your reporting requirements.

Case management assistance to elevate your service
There are a number of case management features that make the platform a comprehensive solution for local authority teams. Monitoring the client-fees that can be charged in line with Practice Direction 19B is centralised with our bespoke Client Fees module, maximising revenue for the service.
All statutory COP, OPG and DWP applications and forms are held in the system and maintained by us, with automated population based on the client data.
There are insurance records for all insurable assets, with linked documents and expiry dates. Diary actions can be added to aid effective supervision of large teams, and configurable workflows allow standard operating procedures to be implemented in line with the OPG Deputyship Standards.
"The customer service and experience delivered by CasparGov is exceptional, we couldn’t feel more supported. CasparGov enhances our ability to safely deliver our service to our clients."
Rachel Corbett, Client Funds Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council.
Serve more with less, maximising your resource allocation.
With CasparGov, financial management teams are able to manage the financial affairs of more individuals even with the challenges of budget and resourcing.

Access new income channels, previously unattainable.
This releases a valuable income stream for the local authority, with care fees paid which would otherwise not be accessed. It also provides revenue in the form of deputyship and appointeeship fees, which exceed costs when using CasparGov to deliver services efficiently.
Deliver person-centred, reliable services that build trust.
Alongside the benefits to the local authorities, CasparGov helps teams to provide a high-quality, person-centred service which empowers individuals and ensures their best interests are met when it comes to financial affairs.

Innovation you can trust
CasparGov has a long-standing role in the local authority financial affairs sector. With the very first platform, CASPAR, delivered on the advent of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, we have been working alongside our users as they navigate the changing regulatory and economic environment.
We pride ourselves on investing in the market and providing continuous improvement and developments, utilising the latest technology in appropriate and value-generating ways to support our customers.

With the development of our open API, CasparGov has been enhanced to enable integration with existing organisation systems and external reporting tools such as Microsoft Power BI.
We are committed to supporting the financial agency and independence of individuals who lack capacity, utilising our experience and market position to improve the range and quality of financial services that are available. As part of this strategy, we have developed a partnership with OB Connect to deliver Open Banking services.
Open Banking represents a significant opportunity to remove barriers between deputies, on behalf of their clients, and their banking providers. With the removal of barriers, there are efficiency gains as well as improved outcomes for the client whose funds are held.
The possibilities of Open Banking, such as improved account opening procedures, real-time account information, and in-platform payment initiation, are numerous.
“I have been aware of, and worked with, the Caspar solutions for local government and professional sectors for many years. When I made my first steps into Open Banking back in 2016, Caspar was one of a handful of use cases which I knew would have a two-sided benefit from the technology. It would resolve a legacy connectivity issue between deputies and the bank, and also allow a greater degree of control and visibility to the end customer. A true win-win situation. To now be able to help and support from a supplier and personal perspective is a privilege and a pleasure. Caspar changes the lives of people without them knowing, with Open Banking those benefits and changes are both more material and faster.”
Simon Lyons, Chief Strategy Officer, OB Connect